Monday, July 30, 2007

denis's leaving

I am particularly unhappy today.. but anyway i'm relieved being quite sometimes being unable to tell anybody bout denis leaving.... i'm sad.. totally.. but anyway its good for him... (as he promised me to teach anything that he'll learn there...)

anyway, he'll be in glasgow.. and insyallah i will vist him in glasgow.... (i bet he'll love glasgow as much as I had enjoyed the city)

well... thinking of working abroad...i love it... maybe.. in the next 5 years i'll make move...
but as far as i'm concern... i have another 4 years to go....

:) I like working in APS... and insyallah and hopefully i will continue liking the the place for the next 4 years... hiks hiks.. i cant be a person who condemn my own workplace hiks hiks (its just unfair.. i'm taking their money.. they can have my energy... its a binding contract....) thats why i cant never be politically on the opposition site... I am a government sponsored student (somehow i owed them).. talking about the price of my loyalty.... :P


Sunday, July 29, 2007

its almost perfect

'no one can make you feel inferior without your consent'

love to hate, hate to love

first stop... amcorp mall... i promised to take her to the creative cottage... she wanted to attend a folk art class there.... heheheeh she love the place... spent quite sometimes there and she'll decided to attend the class next month... we walk thru the flea market and saw this beautiful basket.. i know she love it.. ... (ngeee mommy nih... i just gave her money to spent.. yet she wanted me to pay for her... ngahahahahahha ) actually i've been manipulated by her.... she kept asking me "ish cantik lah bakul nih.. i ckp belilah"... then she said "takpelah... ngeeheheheh tapi cantik kan..." ding! dng! that's the signal.... then i just play along... "nak ke?' .... nak!! ahahahaha there goes... fortunately.... the art of being in flea market is the bargaining part... the basket cost rm40... and we manage to get it for rm28.... (actually mommy can do better) one time she manage to get a RM65 basket for RM15 ( i could almost see the tears in the seller eyes) , next stop... The curve damansara...
i just want to have a cup of coffe and entertaining mommy with her flea market fettish... 1 tazo ice shaken tea, i tall americano, 1 GIANT croissant and 1 choc garden... i can tell she's having a good time.... 2 stig of cigarrates, 2 bites of choc and 3 sips of americano... she went to shop... i dare not follow her, tis time i let her go and i kept busy downloading my research thingy..... heheheh next stop... ikea... demm too crowded for both of us... heheh apis called telling that he's already at home..... its apis way of telling without telling it that he needs us to get back home asap... hahahahah i bet he's hungry... anyway, (oh bought two pashminas on the way back to the carpark) heheheh mommy pick it up for me.. and i love it... ( my baby.... he's in PD.... a regimental holiday!! hmmmffssss)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Starlight Cinema

Star Light Cinema @ KBU (ocean's 13)

Baby showing her creativity. "Water Proof Mat" (Ingredients : 1 mat, 5 garbage bag & pin secukup rasa...kekek)

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Figure 1: Apis in Malaysian ER..... (blakang tuh siap kene conteng2)

apis masuk hospital.... hehehehhe appendiks... pity pity borther..... 5 jam kat hospital baru dapat katil....

7 : hahaha sedih je muka apis...pucat...dah la kakak n gf duk sebok2 ambik gambar..happy giler

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

MLTR (Genting 13th July 07)

Michael Learns To Rock (Genting 13th July 07)

The band..

: Baby ambik la viewcam tuh...dah nak sampai nih........
: *baru la ambik gambar.. (

The tixs!

Die hard-free tix-lucky-wannabe fans...hehehe

: wuhuuu! wuhuuu! *duk angkat tangan2 kuning yang besar tuh n sing along ngan lirik main hentam...hahahah

: *working hahahha vcd! vcd! vcd!

the Gold mine.....hahahah

I'm so sorry...

I'm so sorry...

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Simpsons


baby....... :)

baby....... :) thanks for the latte the other night...(tekejut ingat bila lah plak si denis baik hati blanje latte) u had me at hello tho! ngehehehehehe sangat sangat appreciate kamu in my life ... thanks for the durian oso....

We're on the news..

Found this dlm utusan online just now. Hahaha feels good to be part of the news. Heheheh....

Michael Learns To Rock tidak kecewakan peminat


SEBAGAI kumpulan pop rock dari Denmark yang paling berjaya di persada muzik antarabangsa, Michael Learns To Rock (MLTR) jarang mengecewakan para peminat terutamanya sewaktu mereka mengadakan konsert.

MLTR bukan sahaja mempunyai corak muzik yang tersendiri, tetapi mutu persembahan serta sistem bunyi pada konsert mereka menyebabkan para penonton sukar berganjak dari tempat duduk.

Kelebihan MLTR itu dapat disaksikan sewaktu mereka mengadakan konsert Asia Tour Live 2007 di Arena Of Stars, Genting Highlands, Pahang malam Jumaat lalu.

Tiada sebarang masalah teknikal timbul pada konsert tersebut menyebabkan lagu-lagu yang disampaikan oleh MLTR tidak ubah seperti mendengar terus daripada cakera padat album-album mereka.

Pada persembahan itu, kumpulan yang dianggotai oleh Jascha Richter selaku penyanyi dan pemain keyboard, Mikkel Lentz (gitar) dan Kare Wanscher (dram) ini ternyata berjaya memikat hati kira-kira 5,000 peminat setia mereka(hahah including me!).

Ini merupakan konsert kali kedua MLTR di negara ini di mana dua tahun lalu mereka juga pernah mengadakan konsert di tempat yang sama.

Meskipun sudah 20 tahun ditubuhkan tetapi lagu-lagu MLTR tetap menjadi siulan ramai para peminat mereka sehinggalah ke hari ini.

Sebagai contohnya, para penonton pada malam itu menyanyi bersama-sama(me! me!) Jascha sewaktu dia menyampaikan lagu The Actor yang dipetik daripada album pertama mereka berjudul Michael Learns To Rock yang diterbitkan pada 1991.

“Saya mungkin tidak berapa ingat lirik lagu ini (The Actor). Mungkin anda masih ingat sebab lagu ini agak lama,” kata Jascha pada konsert tersebut(i heard it!).

Malah, Jascha juga sempat turun ke bawah pentas untuk berkongsi mikrofon bersama-sama dengan para peminatnya(i saw it! i saw it) sewaktu beliau menyanyikan lagu Sleeping Child hingga mencetuskan jerit pekik para penonton yang lain.

Dekat di hati

Namun, arena yang dipenuhi oleh lebih 50 peratus peminat yang kebanyakkannya terdiri daripada kaum Cina(erk! the other 50% hehe) dalam lingkungan usia 20(me!) hingga 40 tahun itu berada dalam keadaan terkawal.

MLTR memang dekat di hati para peminat kaum Cina terutamanya di Hong Kong apabila mereka merakamkan semula lagu Mandarin nyanyian Jacky Zhang dari negara itu yang berjudul Take Me To Your Heart pada 2004.

Ditubuhkan di Arhus, Denmark pada 1987, MLTR menampilkan gaya suara Jascha yang tersendiri di mana lontaran vokalnya sahaja sudah cukup untuk para peminat mengenali dirinya.

Selaku pencipta utama lirik dan lagu-lagu yang dimuatkan dalam album-album MLTR, Jascha juga mampu berdiri dengan alunan vokalnya biarpun hanya diiringi oleh petikan keyboard.

Para peminat bukan sahaja teruja dengan lagu-lagu popular yang dinyanyikan oleh MLTR tetapi mereka juga seakan-akan belum puas biarpun kumpulan itu menamatkan persembahan pada pukul 9.40 malam.(my baby: we want more! we want more! *waving the big yellow hand hahaha)

Ekoran sorakan gemuruh para penonton menyebabkan MLTR muncul semula di pentas dengan menyampaikan tiga buah lagu bonus berjudul Paint My Love, Wild Women dan That’s Why (You Go Away).

MLTR yang mengadakan persembahan selama hampir dua jam tanpa henti pada konsert yang mengenakan harga tiket dari RM40 hingga RM180 itu menyanyikan 25 buah lagu termasuk daripada album terkini mereka berjudul Take Me To Your Heart yang sudahpun berada di pasaran sejak Mac 2004.

MLTR mencipta kejayaan cemerlang apabila lapan album yang mereka terbitkan sejak 1991 berjaya dijual sebanyak 9 juta unit di seluruh dunia.

Sebelum konsert di Arena Of Stars, Genting Highlands, MLTR Asia Tour Live 2007 telah diadakan di Hong Kong pada 30 Jun lalu, 6 dan 7 Julai (Taipei, Taiwan) dan 11 Julai (Singapura).

Selepas Malaysia, MLTR yang popular dengan lagu-lagu bertemakan percintaan itu akan meneruskan siri konsert bergerak mereka itu ke Thailand dan Hong Kong.

13th July 2007

13th July 2007…..I am not an avid writer per say. I cant even seems to get most of the words in my head onto a piece of paper… blame it to Japanese… yada yada yada…
Heehhehe went to the Michael learns to rock concert last nite… enjoy it love it! Thanks abg pejal for the tickets… sneak out from the office at 5pm… as baby almost loose his temper .. (lack of attention symptom he says) he hates it when I’m busy… and I hates it when he is busy…. But we seems manage to pull a few minutes in our lives to get together…
Genting is much much the same when we left it few months ago… we would just went up there.. grab a cup of coffee.. and make fool of ourselves… remember baby… all those crazy nites…. I’d say… we were so psyche about the caffeine….
MLTR pull out a great show… woohoooo….. welll not much to say about the great show except that we agree on making the so-called-abg-polis-bantuan our prime enemy… they cant seems to leave us in peace… (heheheh we were just want to be courteous to abg pejal… so we decided to record the concert for him) heheheh we know its a BIG NO-NO but baby assures that he is a natural born JACK-sparrow… ah heng of all ah heng……. And what we get… being SULUH (what’s suluh in English…. Help!!!) all the time… tutup tutup… hahahhahahaha… giler!!!!
Anyway…. I’ll put up some of the footages that we managed to get… if I know how… hmmm baby… can u please put it up for me here…. Thank you…

Thursday, July 12, 2007


its time for my finger stretching session... hiks hiks... guess i havent had much time lately, being tight up with all the 'commitment'... am sitting in the office trying to figure out which which to do first.. guess priority is not important anymore.. since everything! EVERY litle Thing need to be complete tomorow... sigh....
off to see MLTR tomorow... thanks for abg pejal... (ngeheheheh tak sia2 goreng ayam!!) but i am imagining the crowd.. ahahahhahaha 'ol mello crowd... aunties and uncles in their 40's.... singing along to their fav karaoke song.. ahahahahhaha.. anyway.... the chance of getting up there (*cold... *cold is good...*cold is very good....)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

You are a temaki hand roll sushi!!!

You are a temaki hand roll sushi!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

my spicy chicken

my spicy chicken

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm still in the office

I'm still in the office

its 9 pm.. and am still in the office... y? hmmm

bloody deadlines of course.... lalalallalala....

I'm in the office.....

i was alone.. i was over my head....