i have never wrote an entry on my trip to KK.. just because of i'm too tired to write anything or i am just plain lazy to download pictures.. or i dont even bother to take my camera with me for the trip..thanks to najmi... i have now a camera phone... ahahahaha and i have ample opportuniy to record whatever in my way... thus this is my sabah trip entry!
i was supposed to fly out on monday.. but instead.. there were changed of plans on the sabah side.. requires me to in KK on monday morning hence... sunday travelling is sumwhat unavoidable... a day after my mom decided to have her adhoc raya open house! (hahahaha kenapa tak jemput anda2... - sile noticed the word ad-hoc... kalau jemput dan2 sure org ingat makanan tak habes baru nak jemput wawawawa) anyway... it was supposed to be a small makan2 for 3 families.. but instead.. sume relatives dari melaka pj n besan mesan sume dtg... - tgn kaki mulut sume dah letih.... plus.. i have another three dulang hantaran to finish... mmg nangis...
anyway alhamdulillah... open house was a success, hantaran siap... kekekeke one more problem ... i forgot what time was my flight and i lost my office key! yippeeeee.... bagus!
called almost everyone yang takut nak angkat phone... ahahahaha takut kena kerah keje hari ahad.. (weiiii... i am not that evil anymore).. ahaks...
last last have to called MAS and confirmed on my flights.... haish.. nasib baik.... sampai airport.. baby.. beli bandange n balut tgn saya.. oh yes... i injured myself.. masa masak2... ahahah actually... masa GORENG telur untuk baby... daymnnn.... (ehem... saya pandai masak tau!!! accicdent je haritu)
ni tangan saya.... sampai airport flight pulak delay... 45 minit.... grrrrr... grrrr.... its
sunday and im tired,... and the unfinished presentation slides kept bugging me.... lalalalalal sampai kat KK terus check in hutel.... tidur... bgn.. tgk man u menang? pastu buat presentation... pastu tidor balik... kekekeke and waking up to this....
the presentation was ok.. not much comment except it was unconcluded... pack up things... and went back to aps borneo office... sebelum tu singgah kat RCH... makan ayam kung po.. sambil2 cari adapter for phone... hihi.. nnt takleh plak nak amik gambar byk2...
ni ayam kungpo... hiks hiks... not bad... me likey likey vely mush....
4pm.. head to KKIA... - KL..... while waiting... for my flight... singgah sebentar di warung bintang-kumbang... and had.. the delicious choco banana muffin...
ok dah.. tu ajer... balik... masa landing flight tu mcm sikit gile.. it was rocking to the left and right... i wonder y?.. had many shares of weird landing... and this is one of it...