Saturday, October 24, 2009
Jakarta Trip Pt.1
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Jakarta 12-17 October 2009
3 male banshees
I may not live in a jet setting life per say, but I am quite a frequent flyer. Met a lot of different people of different background…. But nothing beats these 3 men I met yesterday. First time flyer maybe, too rude... They were laughing soo hard like a male banshee. (If there’s any.. If not they cud be the first huh…) then snores like a pig!! If it’s not because of my parents in law and my husband were there, I would definitely already sarcastically tell them about the male banshee thingy right to their faces (like I did in January.. I was soo annoyed with this men trying to hit the stewardess with his annoying banshee-like laughter.. I did asked the guy to shut it and respect other passengers)… why must there be rude people in this world. They laugh at almost everything! Even were very rude to this poor steward.. haih…
Monday, October 05, 2009
Leena's ENgagement..
anyway, on the day.. we were told to wear something greenish.. ahahaha tgk tgk.. semua org pakai caca marba.. kekekek anyway.. oklah kot the whole lot of us are wearing green.,.. the instruction was.. to be at kak nora's house around 12.. (nih cerita cerita pasal instruction ni .. sume mai dari abg yee...) .. bg mie samapi at 10 am.. kitorg sampai @ 12 noon.. tgk2 kul 2 baru nak gerak.. aci? nasib baik ada nasi goreng kat umah kak nora..
anyway.. from leena's house we went stret to bg mie's house untuk beraya... :)
bg mie n bg yee.. :) kekekek the only thing that i am very unsure of when joining the family.. i dont sing!!! ish ish.. and these lots... they really can sing!!
off to dewi's... but then...
oklah.. mite as well take ur own picture kan